Comparing our range of premium natural roof tiles at SSQ

At SSQ, we supply a range of high-quality slates. Most of our slates are spanish slate mined in the prestigious slate-producing area of Northwest Spain. We also exclusively supply Riverstone phyllite from our South American SSQ-owned quarry.

Slate Appearance Usage Origin
Riverstone Green-grey phyllitic sheen Roofing, cladding, flooring, heritage properties, conservation areas La Repressa quarry, Argentina
Del Carmen Deep blue-black colour, longitudinal grain, slightly rippled texture Roofing, heritage properties, conservation areas Del Carmen quarry, Cabrera Mountains, Northwest Spain
Domiz Rich blue-grey colour Roofing – alternative to Welsh Ffestiniog slate Cabrera Mountains, Northwest Spain
Matacouta Deep blue-black colour, thick cut, naturally riven texture Roofing, cladding, exposed areas, harsh climates, Scottish architecture Cabrera Mountains, Northwest Spain
Del Prado Black-blue colour, deep texture Roofing Cabrera Mountains, Northwest Spain
Silverstone Blue-black colour, smooth texture Roofing, projects requiring a lightweight slate Orense, Northwest Spain

Why choose a slate roof over a tiled roof?

Natural slate roof is one of the oldest and most durable roofing materials available today. It also has a unique appearance often demanded by heritage property renovation guidelines in conservation areas and on Listed buildings.

When compared to man-made cement, concrete, and clay tiles, natural slate is easily the best option. It is longer lasting, more weather resistant, more cost-effective over its lifespan, and more aesthetically attractive.

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We specified SSQ First Domiz Blue-grey roofing slate for both technical and aesthetic reasons:its strength and quality gives the performance needed and its cold, hard, colour provides a dramatic foil to the rich warmth of the western red cedar walls.

Mark Webber, Architect, Nichols Brown Webber

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